LBRTY website is online!

LBRTY website is online!

LBRTY games logo

We are in the age of social aggregators of information, 
we have services with private servers dedicated to gamers like Discord.

The options for keeping one's audience updated seem to be boundless.

These are the questions I asked myself before developing it, answering them, 
as far as I am concerned this site has 3 goals:

  • It is to be a portfolio of all LBRTY games work.
  • is a place where I will slowly post the main news of the LBRTY games world, 
    however I don't aim to have the last minute update, insights or developer logs, 
    for that there are social or steam
  • is what I consider my "digital garden," it's a personal space.
    So there will be no streams of a multitude of information, wild tracking or anything else.

So I don't see it as a mass marketing tool, just a reference to what's going on in my work.
