A Long story about some folks that making games

LBRTY games exist since 2020.
But its history sinks into the past of pimply young men

LBRTY games team
LBRTY games old logo

Back in 2007, when the term “indie” did not exist yet, we were designing games and small software as a hobby under the pseudonym of
Liberty Software.”

Members of Liberty software

We were kids (also a bit dumb) however with perseverance we managed to publish our first game, limited to the Italian territory through the magazine “giochi per il mio computer”.
That game was called “Backsliding.”

box front of backsliding
box back of backsliding

It was a crude, vulgar game and also poorly done.
Nevertheless it gave us much satisfaction!

Later caught up in other commitments we did not continue.

However, the love of games, art and storytelling remains.

The year 2020 comes, a year that many will remember…

As the pandemic forced to stay at home, many of us reconsidered our priorities.

I’ve always dreamed of taking over a project where creativity was important, and indie games have been a big inspiration of mine.

2021: LBRTY and Night of the ritual

In search of new stimulation and because of the boredom given by the restrictions of the pandemic, we decided to develop a Horror game loosely inspired by clock tower:
Night of the Ritual.

night of the ritual

LBRTY games was created as the label for that game in 2021,
as a rebranding of “Liberty software”-a name we also could not use because it is an existing company.

LBRTY logo

From that experience we have continued to develop small games with passion.

LBRTY for us means having a stimulating and creative diversion.